Our website has compiled a toolkit from various local and international institutions and organizations to help you find what you need:
Latest updates: Keep track of COVID-19 updates on cases and modeling data per county. Revenue created measures to assist SMEs with regards to taxation and subsidies, helping taxpayers and agents to comply with tax conditions. This also includes customs information, especially for COVID-19 specific products.
You will also find government supports for COVID-19 affected businesses including but not limited to the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme and short-term work supports. Via Enterprise offices across Ireland, there is access to Business Continuity vouchers and Enterprise Ireland support schemes to assist financially with various grants including an online trading voucher to help you with business practices, e-commerce as well as marketing content & strategies. Vital business loan information is also at your disposal for your small business.
We have also compiled a list of resources for the Jobseekers association including application information & forms and benefits for the self-employed as well as documents that contain information for employers and employees during COVID-19.
Here is the full list.
Find out more about personal welfare services and illness benefits for COVID-19 absences for those directly affected by COVID-19.